Going out with a whimper

Paralyzed by the basilisk ‘s stare

As the earth revolves around itself

And the blue moon sheds its Blu-rays


Unequipped to adapt

We couldn’t focus our vision away

from Cold Wars and New World Orders

We persevered in our accustomed ways


We put our faith in reality as narration

We couldn’t get our afterlives sorted

As ancestors wrung their hands in disbelief

And the entangled whole became movies


As carnage stared us in the face

We simply apportioned blame

With a divining rod

And voiceless screams in the wilderness


As palaces and institutions shook

We turned into viewers of Games of Thrones

Sought old alliances and avoided the stares

Of magpies, creeks, mountain tops and weasels


And because things didn’t go out in a bang

We strolled with our eyes peeled to the ground

Avoiding to tread on the cracks,  camels

Groping for the void in the eye of the needle.


Pina Piccolo, 20 August 2024


Cover image by Jacqueline Moen from The Smithsonian Magazine: A basilisk–a lethally poisonous monster hatched from a cock’s egg–illustrated in a mediaeval bestiary. Note the weasel gnawing at its breast; only they were impervious to basilisk venom.

