Praise Be to the Rooster’s Stark Eye – Pina Piccolo
From the unpublished collection “Avatars from the Borderlands”. It shall all be recorded In
From the unpublished collection “Avatars from the Borderlands”. It shall all be recorded In
What did that nameless Angel really say That Monday When the women approached the
Be callous, grow a callus Forge a shield around your heart Don’t let those
Clutching at Life When the alleged dead shall rise to haunt us in the deep
E’ dal mio cane che ho appreso la gioia A Oliver, sperando in
Their Screams Live in My Ear Sixty years later, he said “Then I
Kyiv: Nelle schegge del crepuscolo Che non t’accada mai di sentire strali di storia caderti
Kyiv: The Shards of Twilight May you never experience The brimstone of history
It does not close completely That troublesome mitral valve Thus slowing down The steps
The fire, next time, is already here singeing the margins rushing to the core feasting