


What’s crouching invisible on the horizon


-a different density

– a sphynx of existence
unperceived by our antennas

– a dearth of words
enfolding or exposing the Event



it just looms there

directing the traffic
of flocks

the panopticon
of volcanos and faults


laughing at human conjecture
plans and cognition
geopolitical conjunction


the looming finds it hilarious

that prophets and dowsers

weathermen and seers

pridefully scan the sky

casting a befuddled eye


only to be doused with

a smattering of star dust

solar flare and magnetic atoms

– a slithering puzzle

– enigmatic eel of a skyline


Pina Piccolo, 7 October 2024

Cover art: From Deviant Art, by Turnip Stewdios

