The nursemaid’s lament for the chimeric monkey
and when the kind-hearted lab technician afflicted by disturbed dreams could no longer stand to
and when the kind-hearted lab technician afflicted by disturbed dreams could no longer stand to
Riproposta nel giorno in cui il generale russo Alexander Dvornikov noto come ‘il macellaio di
Clutching at Life When the alleged dead shall rise to haunt us in the deep
The following are two poems I wrote around 2017-8 in the thick of Assad’s war
Traduzione di Pina Piccolo dall’originale inglese nel blog di Shailja Patel Mangiatrice di
thinking of the boy, Mohammed Shaaban, in Gaza and Khulud, the writer, drawing birds in from the colorlines blog Per festeggiare il compleanno di Lawrence Ferlinghetti, ripubblico una intervista che gli feci sei
“The world needs the Beat message more than ever” A conversation with Lawrence Ferlinghetti and