Wreaking Dies Irae

Wreaking days of wrath


as the world reeks of eyes


spent on averting gaze


and the intellect churns


alternate realities


directing a dissonance of QR codes


and screens curate the screams


of the sacrificed laid on the altar


no angel to deter the knife


Game masters make their moves


dislodging pawns and besieging towers


forcing Pandora to detonate drafts


as some seek to speed


and others to slow Time


But the streams are streaming


and the winds are blowing Trumpets


the ear refuses to heed


though the skin of humans


and eucalyptus lay frayed and scalded


by the scorching vibrations


and the bones take the hint


to accelerate their rate of blanching.



Pina Piccolo


Imola,  October 27, 2024


Cover image: The Triumph of Death, Anonymous, Palazzo Abatellis, Palermo.


